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Showing posts from February, 2021

Problem / Solution?

  Problem / Solution How can we have a conversation  About the endangered state of our nation When we’re of different political persuasions? The papers, news feeds, and stations Each provide us information That amplifies our bias confirmation. Our opinions are directed with navigation To completely different constellations. There is only one side who gets a free ride And lies are supplied to deride the other side How can our nation have a chance to survive  When its being torn from left to right? We do not take a moment to realize  That forces have been organized To grab money, power, and capitalize On viewers’ willingness to demonize The other side, no matter the size Of the gaping wound that’s bleeding us dry We engage in this dangerous rhetoric From diametrickly opposed politics Even as it rips the fabric Of our nation that’s getting sick And sicker more with each tactic That’s been created to cause havoc For our opponents who’ve already had it So they attack right back at it This c

The Big Lie IS Incitement

The Second Impeachment Trial for ex-President Trump has been a frustrating ordeal to watch. The Democrat House Managers made a very good case against the former president. They did an excellent job connecting the dots from Trump's refusal to concede losing the election, his continual telling of the Big Lie that the election was fraudulently lost, to intimidating elected officials in various states in an effort to overturn the election results, to bullying the Justice Department, and even publicly attacking his own VP. There is one point the House Managers make with which I don't completely agree - that Trump was purposely trying to get his followers to commit violence with his words in the speech on Jan 6. He did say things like "fight like hell" but the defense's point is well taken that politicians use this type of language all the time. Additionally, Trump used the word "peacefully" when describing the way in which the crowd should behave. This was a

A Letter to the Republican Party

This letter comes on the heels of significant soul searching and after much deliberation. The purpose of this letter is to provide reasoning and justification for my decision to leave the Republican Party. The reasons for my departure are two-fold: 1. I am hoping to send a message of repudiation of current destructive forces which have strong footholds within the party, and 2. The GOP’s lack of tackling issues pertinent to the nation’s best interest. First, let me introduce myself and discuss my beliefs with you. I have been a life-long member of the Republican party, voting for Republican candidates throughout my life - until Donald Trump. My Republican roots were initially forged through legacy and heritage. My father, a loyal patriot who served in the FBI for 25 years and also held conservative beliefs, instilled these values in me. I also consider my religious faith to be a factor in my Republican leanings. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and genera