The Christian Right has been a very powerful bloc in the national political scene for the better part of 40 years. The history of the modern evangelical movement is often seen as starting in the 1970s. Authors have also linked this movement to the fundamentalists, prohibitionists, and segregationists from the 1920s through the 1960s. Regardless of the various pathways by which this movement came to power, the underlying tenets of this political force is a belief that America is a Christian nation being secularized and it is the duty of the followers of Christ to take the country back to its Christian roots - to “take America back for Christ” so to speak. Republican political strategiests of the 1970s realized that by taking stronger positions on civil issues of importance to the Christian voters (i.e prayer in school, abortion, feminism, counter-culture, etc.), they could take political power in the South, which had historically been a Democrat stronghold. The story of the marriag...
Writings from a guy trying to navigate his political identity in the current post-fact GOP and isn't sure the left is necessarily the answer either